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Saturday, November 24, 2012

"I Get To Ride The Aqua Duck By Myself!"

“I get to ride the Aqua Duck by myself!” were the words coming out of the boy’s mouth at the pediatrician’s office the other day.  He was there for an allergy med check-up and took advantage of the weighing and measuring to determine his status for the Aqua Duck.

Coming in at 77 pounds and 56 inches, he is both tall enough and heavy enough to ride the Aqua Duck by himself during our upcoming cruise on the Disney Dream.

Oh, he rode the Aqua Duck on the last cruise. . . but either with me or his dad.  No solo riding.

In addition to showing his disposition towards Disney with his comments at the doctor’s office, he confused the office staff.  Both the nurse and doctor were puzzled by his Aqua Duck comment and most likely were thinking aqua duct.  What ten year old plans to ride in an aqua duct?  In the U.S.?  So it took some explaining in the office about the Aqua Duck, a water coaster on Disney cruise ships.  

The next thing he wanted to do was to tell his Dad, so we sent him a text message and he quickly replied.

The newest measurements also mean he has grown over two inches in 16 months.  No wonder he is hungry most of the time and has outgrown his jeans! 

You know you're a Disney fan if. . . you measure life in Disney milestones.  Being tall enough and big enough to ride the Aqua Duck by himself is indeed a Disney milestone.

We are less than a month from our next Disney cruise and preparations are in full swing.  I even snagged a deal on sunscreen while shopping the other day.  The anticipation continues to build!

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