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Opening Magic Kingdom

Thursday, November 1, 2012

No Round 3 For Me--Disney Moms Panel Application

The email from Walt Disney World Moms Panel indicated my Disney Parks Passion was magical, but I was not moving on to round 3 of the Disney Moms Panel application process.  Disappointing?  Yes.  End of the world?  Definitely not!

As you may recall (click here to read more), I was thrilled to move on to round 2 of the process on the third try at applying.  To make it from 10,000 to 200 was darn near a Disney miracle in itself.  And, I’ll get to try again next year.

What I found interesting in this whole process were the number of applicants that I read about on a variety of on-line forums, which were, based on their posts, living in a somewhat suspended reality waiting to hear about the status of their application.  Ironically, when the emails were sent indicating “thank you” or “congratulations” many of the applicants that were moving on to round 3 were out and about doing other things.

What does all of this mean for me?  Well, I will still write and share about our Disney adventures via the Williams Family Blog.  I enjoy the writing, the sharing, and definitely the Disney adventures. 

Will I still help people plan Disney vacations?  You bet!  I learned just yesterday that some local folks were leaving for a trip and someone asked them if they knew about our blog and they responded indicating that our blog had helped them plan their vacation.  Yeah!  Blog comments indicate the same.  And, I am happy to answer questions in person, via phone, or email. 

We are very much looking forward to our next Disney vacation that will include a cruise on the Disney Dream followed by a stay at Walt Disney World.  I’ve already started working on the little cards for the husband to carry with him that includes all of our information for the trip—click here to read more.  Next step—packing!

The other thing I’ve learned in the Disney Moms Panel application process is that I may need to consider expanding my use of technology to twitter. . . along with a Smartphone or Ipod.  I’m thinking about it and will keep you posted.

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